Yep that’s right folks. A whole 9.1 km. It was bearly enough time to compose ourselves from the emotional farewell leaving Norseman Street.
Now, while Forrestfield may not be the top of your destination list, I’m pleased to share that the Discovery caravan park has been very nice. Lots of trees and well shaded, pool, clean facilities, friendly people. Being so close to Mum and Dads has been super, with the kids spending a lot of time there while Ken and I finalised a few things.
Mum also did the washing and nourished us with some splendid home cooked food. You really are one in a million Mum! And Dad always on hand to help entertain the girls and help solve any niggle or modification with the van and unfortunately we have had a few.
Niggles and the desire to be completely prepared and organised aside we are just gagging to hit the road so to heck with it, on to campsite #2.
Just one last stop via Lesmurdie to farewell mum and dad, pick up the last of the washing, drop of the final items culled from the van and devour the last bit of cooking, best cinnamon tea cake ever. Then it was adios to Perth!
Ahh… Forrestfield… what a great place to begin this Adventure!😉