Our first real stop of the trip is York. So close to Perth but I have never been to this picturesque town. Beautiful old buildings and charm, located right on the Avon River. There is a caravan park just on the out skirts of town but as we were only over nighting it we took advantage of the 24 hour park up for RV’s right on the banks of of the Avon.
The view from the van!
The only spot left was this one right in front of the playground. This couldn’t have been a more fabulous start for the girls. Could get Lulu out of the playground, and the girls instantly made friends and were out well past dark running around the park with torches.

With a quick explore across the swing bridge and into town (only a 50m walk) we settled into our first proper night on the road. Everything still feels very new. Cooking dinner takes much longer as I fumble around the kitchen getting used to the space, where things are and the not fan force oven.
Ken to is still feeling his way through the procedure of set up, hitching the van and manourvring the van. It was here in York the van took it’s first casualty. Apologies to the York shire for the white bollard we knocked out the ground. Oops! The van, Goldilocks, took the knock with a small gathering of post paint but otherwise unscathed.
I do have to say however Ken really is amazing at reversing her in and out or spot on more than one occasion he has totally nailed it first time. So far he’s not let me have a go. Keen to consolidate his skills, he say, but I am looking forward to having a go soon.
York was also our first bakery review. Charlotte is reviewing custard tarts and /or apple turnovers while Ken is doing a coffee review. You’ll have to continue watching the blog for their updates.
Thanks York for the great start to our adventure.