Driving through Townsville today we had a few things to pick up. An early birthday present for Gigi, a new bike helmet, and a few other stops for supplies. By the time we’d gather all our bit and bobs it was lunchtime before getting back on the road.
The drive was very pleasant and we enjoy passing through the sugar cane country. Being harvest time there are cane trains weaving their way from field to field, farm to farm and on to the sugar mill. Only one sugar mill still operates tours for the public and Ken and the girls are going to take the tour in Tully just 20 mins south of Mission Beach.
We had trouble finding a vacancy in any of the parks in Mission Beach leaving me wishing we had booked ahead but thankfully we found a park to “squeeze”us in, and they meant it. Great little park Tropical Hibiscus Tourist Park but it’s tight. Being late in the day were the last to arrive and had an audience. But as Kenny does, he rose to the occasion and nailed the reverse parking of the van in one hit. It was pretty to watch and rightly so was rewarded with an applause from the neighbour’s, who along with me, were all shaking our heads about how he was going to get into the spot.
The next day Friday, we schooled, toured the sugar mill and enjoyed an epic beach walk. Crab chasing, palm tree climbing, musical coconut bongos, parent/child horse back races and views, views, views. Was one of those moments that affirms why we are doing this. Beach + Halls = Happy Place.
Saturday, no school and we all love that, was a beach day. Turns out we happened to land in Mission Beach the same weekend as the local regional nippers carnival and my cousins Meg, Andrew and young Jack were participating. While Andrew was on duty we had a lovely few hours on the beach cooling off in the Coral Sea. I do love catching up with family, we have always been spread across the country and now the world so it always special.
Our brief but beautiful visit was rounded out by a social night in the park. This caravan park is quiet small and has a couple of wood fire pizza ovens. They cook them if you bring your own pizza. It’s always nice chatting with other folks but I just don’t find we, or I, have the time for it much. The grey nomads are always sharing a sun downer together but with a brood of 3 there is always something needing to be done. Ken and I often find ourselves looking at them sitting by their neat and tidy vans, reading a book in peace, with a tinge of envy, but then we are loving sharing this experience with the girls and the time for that will come.
Mission beach was brief but lovely and no midges or sandflies to report. Maybe a place to return at some point.

You guys find some wonderful hidden places. A wonderful education all round fo4 yous and th3 girls xxx