So we are back on the road but this time without Goldilocks the van. After the rough treatment the roads of Cape York dished out she was in need of some work and Ken was keen to have her all spic n’ span by the time we got back. However this meant the car was in Cairns and the van now in Coolum on the Sunshine Coast some 1,500km away.
Feeling we hadn’t quiet finished our time here in FNQ we opted to pay for accommodation and see the things I just knew I couldn’t leave behind without regret. So after 3 days in Cairns reacclimatizing to the humidity we booked a week in a house in the Daintree / Cape Tribulation.
So so so glad we did and didn’t miss this beautiful bit of OZ. It also came with the added bonus of spending a little more time with my cousins Meg, Andrew and Jack, and enable us to gather a few remaining items they had stored for us while we were away.

While in Cairns we visited the lagoon and the aquarium. Kicked of the schooling which had been on hold while overseas and cleaned out the car. What a state we had left her in. It was a shock to open the doors and see the dust, sand and uncleanliness we had become immune to while traveling in the Cape. Amazing how one’s standards drop when in the bush.

We had also made the decision that we needed to slow the pace down of our travels. While it’s exciting being in new places so frequently the traveling is over whelming. Not leaving enough time to catch your breath, keep up with the schooling, keep up with the blogging, keep up with required nourishment for each member of our mob.
Georgie has been unwell for months now. Complaining of tummy aches and aching bones and joints. Bless her, she hardly complains but it was time to slow down and have things investigated a little more.
While in Perth we went to our GP and run some test and on our last morning here in Cairns the GP called to say she had tested positive to Coeliac’s Disease. BOOM! What now?

Well as we were packed and already on the road we continued to Cape Tribulation for a quiet week to read a lot, do what we can to help her gut heal and process what this all means.