What a wonderful week! We are so far behind on the blog. I find myself writing this post 4 months after we were actually there. (and posted 8 months later!!!). However with that said, as I start to revisit in my mind the things we did I also remember the feelings I had about this place and the time we shared. I distinctly remember feeling this might be my fav spot yet, (but then I say that a lot).
We have come back from our overseas trip with a focus to clean up our eating, improve our gut health and that was even before we had Georgia’s ceoliac diagnosis. However, my idea’s of this being a gradual process were not to be. With Georgia being so unwell at this point (in constant pain with her tummy, losing weight, refusing food, aching bones and joints) and Ken commitment to get his body in a state of ketosis it felt like a drastic and immediate change.
But a change for the good and while it felt a little overwhelming to be doing this all while traveling Australia, and the challenges that brings it is a positive change for our family and we are all going to benefit for this. I was very grateful to just be in the one spot for 7 days so I could wrap my head around it.
The house was amazing. Loads of space, set amongst the rainforest and the pool was just sublime. We were off gird so the house was running on solar and had no air-con. It was hot and humid, for that authentic rainforest experience, so to be able to cool off was wonderful.

We love getting out and exploring the new and exciting locations we find ourselves in but everyone equally enjoy’s the treasure of down time at home. And this house was very comfortable to just mooch about in. I even found the time to read a book. Totally unheard of, a guilty pleasure, taking the time and just sitting around reading or staying up late into the quiet wee hours of the morning to read in peace.

After our break from schooling while we travelled in Europe. This was the focus of each morning and the few outings we had took us to the Daintree Discovery Centre which was super, Cow Bay beach – beautiful, cool, interesting beach coombing an awesome tree swing, and a drive to Wadjul Wadjul falls for a picnic with a couple of local crocs.
The weekend bought family time with Meg, Andrew and Jack. Saturday we went back to Brooklyn for lunch, a catch up and play. Then Sunday we all meet at the Daintree River for a crusie before returning to our house for lunch, a swim and more chat.

It’s been a really joy spending time with Meg and Andrew and to see the next generation of cousins play and laugh for hours in the pools just awesome.
Magic memories made right there. We round out our week with a totally terrific trip out to the Great Barrier Reef. It was a small tour of just 25 leaving from Cape Trib and departing from the beach here it’s only 20 minutes to the reef. Conditions were great, the water was warm and we all had enough time to have a fabulous snorkel seeing oodles of cool fish, giant clams, turtles and clown fish.

Ocean Safari were the company and the staff were super. Suppling a prescription set of googles for Georgia was a complete bonus but the guys on the boat were fab, looking after every little need. Making sure the kids saw all the best stuff and teaching them how to dive down to explore more. They are the only ones who operate out of Cape Trib so you cant miss them but do yourself a favor. It really was just a wonderful morning.

The next day we departed having loved every minute. We got word the van was ready to be collected in Coolum so it was going to be some very long days to leg it down the coast. We bid farewell to FNQ, satisfied in what we have done but already looking forward to being back one day.