Ahhhh, it feels like coming home. Strange because it’s not home but these days anywhere we have been more than once and holds a form of familiarity, feels exciting. Apart from that we love the Sunny Coast and Coolum Beach.

Goldilocks is ready but we’ve booked and air bnb for a week while we go through the repairs and make sure she is ready to be picked up and move back into. Aside from van stuff we are keen to visit a few of our favorite places again. When here last, Ken was working back in Perth for a week and then working again once back with us so he really didn’t see much.
Other priorities are keeping up and catching up with school, getting some kind of regime for healing Georgia’s gut. There are some great health shops here, a GP to follow up with and plenty of cooking and researching for new recipes to be done.

We revisited the Ginger Factory again, this time with Ken, Betty’s Burgers – Noosa YUM, the gorgeous wee town of Monteville and our favorite German restaurants ‘King Ludwig’. The chef’s speciality soup is to die for and he is Coeliac so we felt safe eating there plus the views of the Glasshouse mountains, spectacular! And the kids were busting to visit Australia Zoo again.

Moving back into Golidlocks was great. We were all keen to get back to our own wee crib and the rhythm of van life. The first setup though was hilarious, trying to remember what to do and we had a new jack on the front to work out how to use. It took about 20 minuets to finally get the legs down on the van and get inside.
Coolum caravan park was fantastic and we met some really fabulous families. So great for the kids to have playmates and Georgie in particular made a special little friend which was so nice because she really misses home and having her bestie to play with. While they were all younger than Charlotte she had them entertained and hanging off her every word.

Inspired again by Australia Zoo another bake sale was organized, this time for Georgie with her little friend Indi and they smashed it selling out and raising $106.00 for the Tiger protection program run through Australia Zoo.

After extending our stay at the CP a couple of times we finally had to move on but not before having and epic beach day on Noosa Northshore. We just love taking a picnic lunch, having a drive on the beach and parking up.

With the batwing awning providing plenty of shade it’s just awesome sitting back and watching the girls play, swim, dance, build, create and generally have a ball.

An epic way to finish our time on the Sunny Coast, bid farewell to Queensland and make our way south to New South Wales.