The drive in was sunny but as we arrived in the mountains the weather closed in and it wasn’t long before we were shrouded in cloud and it was pretty damp. Katoomba was our first choice of places to stay but they were full and suggested Blackheath.
The park was perfect for us, it was pretty quiet with a great playground just across the road that the kids loved. Being so close to Sydney now we plan to have a few days exploring in the mountains before leaving the van here in Blackheath and driving into Sydney for a little city break. We’ve found the best way to see a big city is to stay in it. Often there are no caravan parks close to a CBD and the parks on the outskirts of big city’s often have more perminate residence and have a totally different feel.

The first day we awoke in thick cloud and it stayed for the day. We took the opportunity to catch up on some school but it wasn’t long till we were all getting in each other’s way. So the kids and I went back to the park but it was all to slippery and damp so walked into town for some lunch. Ken joined us and in the afternoon we visited the Blue Mountain Heritage Centre.
Some of the information centers are just super and this one was great. Helpful staff, a great display of the history of the area, acknowledgement to the indigenous people and a virtual reality system to explore a nearby but difficult to access gorge. It was a fun experience and helped us pass a bit of time when the weather and visibility was so poor outside. Reports were coming in of good visibility on the other side of the ranges so we jumped back in the car and went for a drive.
Ken found a place with views to fly the drone and the roadside had plenty of wild flowers for me to enjoy. With the soft afternoon light bring to life the scenery it turned out to be a beautiful afternoon.
The weather improved the next day and after schooling we popped through to Katoomba for lunch and to see the 3 sisters of the blue mountains. What a crowd they draw, by the bus load. Still it is a breath takingly beautiful view and so iconic of Australia.

It has been such a long time since we have seen any cats for Georgia to write about. I was willing one to appear so we could report to you about the Cat of Katoomba but it wasn’t to be. We did however see a fabulous parrot of brilliant red and green and right beside the path to yet another viewing spot of the Blue mountains and Katoomba Falls.

He put on a fabulous display of how to strip a Geralton Wax bush of it’s seemingly delisious flowers. Being all awash with the christmas spirit, the girls nicknamed him the christmas parrot and painted him when we got home.
The remainder of the day was filled with excitement packing bags and preparing for a week in Sydney. Charlotte in particular loves a big city, food, fashion, luxury and convenience get her in a total spin. On the other hand, eating out these days is frought with dietary requirements so we will see how we fair not being able to cater for ourselves.