It had been an emotional day saying goodbye to Heidi and Ruby. After the farewells it was a long driving day, pulling up just in time to see the sunset over The Coorong. Argh, just what the doctor ordered after the sadness and emotion of the day. Some clean, fresh air and a good dose of awe and wonder.
We camped in the National Park, booking and paying for the site on the way. We never really know how far we may travel in a day, so being able to book and pay online is fantastic. It’s just a quick overnighted and after a good feed and a good nights sleep and we were back on the road the next morning.
The Coorong, a lagoon, runs some 140km from the mouth of the Murray River to Paranki Lagoon. It was made famous in the classic Australian Book, Storm Boy by Colin Thiele and two movies, the first starring David Gulpilil in 1976 and more recently in 2019 with Geoffrey Rush.

We didn’t have a lot of time to stop here and explore but listening to the audio book as we drove gave us a better understanding and connection to the dunes and landscape we were looking at. With an added bonus of providing a great literary study opportunity for homeschooling.
By lunch we had finished the book and arrived back in Mt Gambier. We stopped in with Ann to collect some post and ended up staying for lunch. It was a lovely break and as always Anns warm and generous hospitality filled our tummies and nourished our souls. After lunch we had a further 150km to travel to Port Fairy were we would pull up for a few days.