Having not been successful in seeing any health professional during our last visit to Melbourne, we’d lined it up this time. GP, Pathology, Dietician, Peadiatric Gastroenterologist. Georgia took it all in her placid, easy going stride and doesn’t fuss much, but she was well and truely over being poked, prodded and the source of much talk and attention.
But the good news was we we‘re doing all the right things and the advice from all the health professionals was to continue our travels, continue our management, plus a few added supports and lets review all the test results when we return from Tassie. I felt much better about things and we had a better understanding of Coeliac Disease now.
At this point Georgia was doing much better and we were really coming to grips with the fact we just cant really eat out anymore. There are very few places that we can really be sure the food and preparation of the food is safe for her. That said old habits die hard and we keep finding ourselves looking for places to eat and don’t always get it right. I have to keep reminding myself not to be complacent, we are finally making progress and she seems to be healing.

It wasn’t all appointments, we visited Chadstone the fashion capital and caught up with Uncle Geoff for lunch. Ken, Geoff and the older girls went on to LEGO land while Lulu and I went for a cuppa with Aunty Corry. We had a lovely evening with Carol and Sean Michael and a catch up with Stef and Nic. Dinner in town at Georgias favorite Ceoliac safe restaurant and a impromptu Alpha Alignment and catch up with Robert. (I had done Roberts course and training in 2015/2016 and still hope to become a Alpha Alignment practitioner when I get home). And of course, school, blogging and trip planning / research is a constant of each week.
As with each week it just flew by and it was time to pack the van and ready ourselves for getting on the Spirit of Tasmania. A little nervous about the crossing but super excited. Tassie is one place I have been really looking forward to visiting and everyone says is a highlight of a lap of OZ. Pumped!