Ken and I have fond memories of Port Fairy, visiting here with Mum and Dad Hall in 2005. Life these days always feels hectic but with all the happenings with the Tour Down Under, visitors and family catch ups it is nice for a bit of a change of pace. We need to get schooling back on track, get ourselves ready for appointments in Melbourne and planning Tassie and beyond.
The caravan park is verily empty and the kind owners popped us right next to the playground. Which for us is a total bonus. The kids can play and we can still get a few chores and jobs done around the van.
On our first full day, following breakfast, school and chores, we got the bikes down to go and explore the town. Perfect for riding bikes, the streets are quiet and wide. Port Fairy is full of character with beautifully restored historic buildings and homes.
Being coastal and the harsh southern coast line of Australia the building are solid and very much remind me of Scottish Croft’s, might be why I love them so much. Port Fairy has had a couple of name changes, Port Fairy to Belfast and back to Port Fairy. The Fairy was the first ship/boat to sail into the port and establish it as a whaling and sealing hub.
We found out delicious cafe with safe eating option, pottered and paroosed in some shops and found the library. The girls love a library and here we spent the remainder of the afternoon only leaving with the promise to return the next morning. Being a Friday it was pizza and movie night. We are still trying to find a pizza base option that works for everyone and people enjoy but the real killer is no dairy. No cheese on a pizza! It just isn’t the same, so it looks like the Friday pizza tradition is going to be no more.
Saturday morning saw to the local markets on. Us girls love a market so we left Ken at home for a bit of peace and quiet and rode the bikes into town. Small, quaint and cute. We enjoyed the markets and as promised made our way to the library. In the afternoon Ken took the kids across to Griffiths Island on the bikes and they rode around the island visiting the lighthouse along the way.
Always on the hunt for Coeliac safe eating out option I’d discovered a fish n’ chips shop in Warrnambool the next town over. As we would be driving through Warrnambool on our way back to Melbourne we couldn’t pass up the chance for Georgia to get to eat fish n’ chips and for the rest of us to have it without feeling guilty about eating it in front of her.
Thanks Port Fairy for a lovely and thanks to North Point Fish n’ Chips, Warrnambool for making on Coeliac family very happy! Melbourne here we come …….. again.
I just found your site and so excited going through reading all the spots you have visited. We head off in August and we live in Port Fairy. Glad you had a wonderful time
Thanks Jo, we very much love Port Fairy, beautiful town. So excited for you and your own adventures memories you’ll create on the road! We are very blessed to live in such a huge and beautiful country!