Wow, wow and wow, what a house! It was pitch dark and pelting down with rain when we arrived so i’ve no idea about the location but we are just outside of Coolum at Marcus Beach and the house is stunning. Lots of cool design features, ample space, a dance mirror and ballet bar in the carport and a piano. We’ve plenty to do while here, getting the van sorted and preparing for our next adventure but this house has it all!

The kids always love having their own rooms and we all relish a bathroom / toilet. By the light of day we realize how close to the beach we are but the weather is still miserable. Ken is off to visit the van, check in on progress and run a few errands while the kids and I school and take the opportunity of a break in the weather to visit the local beach. Moody and grey but still good for a run around, beach combing and sand castles.

Having been to Coolum a number of times now, we’ve no plans to go sight seeing. Shopping, sorting and stocking up is the aim of our game. For the kids it’s always play, games, TV, baking, enjoying the spoils of a house and reluctantly doing a little school. Mum your such a drag making us do school!

Once Goldilocks was ready, we picked her up, cleaned and repacked her and moved to the Coolum Caravan Park for a couple of days. It’s always good to test everything out and make sure it’s all working before we leave Coolum. This will be our last visit here, from now all servicing with take place in Perth.

So all set, we are ready to (sing along folks) GO WEST, life is peaceful there, GO WEST, in the open air, GO WEST, where the skies are blue, GO WEST, this is what were gonna do! With an air of excitement we hit the road.